European Union
Resource Input


  1. Circular material use rate
  2. End-of-life recycling input rates
  3. Domestic Material Consumption (DMC)
  4. Resource productivity (decoupling)
  1. Circular economy, SDG
  2. Circular economy
  3. Circular economy (suggested), SDGs
  4. Circular economy (suggested), SDGs
Resource Use


  1. Material imports dependency
  2. EU self-sufficiency for raw materials
  1. Circular economy (suggested)
  2. Circular economy
Resource Circulation / Disposal


  1. Waste generation excluding major mineral waste, per GDP and per DMC
  2. Waste generation excluding major mineral waste per capita
  3. Municipal waste generation
  4. Recycling rates for municipal waste and for all waste
  5. Recycling/recovery for specific waste streams (overall packaging waste, plastic packaging waste, wooden packaging, electrical and electronic waste, biowaste per capita, recovery rate of construction and demolition waste).
  6. Trade in recyclable raw materials
  7. Food waste (planned)
  8. Generation of packaging waste
  9. Recycling of textiles (planning)
  1. Circular economy
  2. SDGs, Circular economy (overall suggested)
  3. Circular economy
  4. Circular economy, SDGs
  5. Circular economy
  6. Circular economy
  7. Circular economy
  8. Circular economy (suggested)
  9. Circular economy (suggested)
Environmental Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency


  1. Material footprint (raw material consumption)
  2. Consumption footprint
  1. Circular economy (suggested)
  2. Circular economy (suggested)
Social Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency


Jobs related to circular economy sectors
Circular economy
Economic Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency


  1. Private investments related to circular economy sectors
  2. Value added related to circular economy sectors
  3. Green Public Procurement (planned)
  1. Circular economy
  2. Circular economy


  1. Patents related to recycling and secondary raw materials
  2. Eco-innovation index
  3. GHG emissions from DMC and saved from secondary raw materials (planned)
  1. Circular economy
  2. Circular economy (suggested)
  3. Circular economy (suggested)
Resource Input
  1. Doubling EU circular material use rate by 2030
  2. Decoupling economic growth from resource use
  1. EU Circular economy action plan 2020
  2. EU Circular economy action plan 2020, the European Green Deal
Resource Circulation
    Indicative targets:
  1. Significantly reduce total waste generation
  2. Halve the amount of residual (non-recycled) municipal waste by 2030
  3. Boosting the sorting, re-use and recycling of textiles
  4. To halve per capita food waste by 2030 compared to 2015 level (Global SDG target 12.3)
  1. EU Circular economy action plan 2020
  2. EU Circular economy action plan 2020
Mandatory targets:
Recycling rate of municipal waste 50% by 2020
WFD: 55% by 2025
60% by 2030
65% by 2035
Recycling rate of overall packaging waste PPWD: 65% by 2025
70% by 2030
Recycling rate of plastic packaging waste PPWD: 50% by 2025
55% by 2030
Recycling rate of wood packaging waste PPWD: 25% by 2025
30% by 2030
Recovery rate of construction and demolition waste 70% by 2020
Environmental Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency
  1. Keep resource consumption within the planetary boundaries.
  2. Reduce EU consumption footprint
  1. EU Circular economy action plan 2020