Resource Input


  • Direct Material Input
  • Raw Material Input
  • Part of regular monitoring by the Federal Statistical Office
Resource Use


  • Raw Material Consumption (RMC) per capita
Resource Circulation / Disposal


  • Direct Effect of Recovery (DERec) and Direct and Indirect Effects of Recovery (DIERec)
  • Decoupling waste generation from economic output (the Waste Prevention Program puts an explicit focus on the reduction of overall waste flows, food waste, and packaging materials (e.g., through reuse)). Additional indicators exist for specific material/waste streams, also, e.g., under EU legislations (e.g., for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)).
  • Recycling and recovery rates for different waste streams
Environmental Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency


  • Global environmental impact by private household consumption (i.e., domestic and foreign energy consumption, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the use of raw materials) (footprint perspective)
Economic Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency


  • Total raw material productivity = (GDP+imports)/RMI, with GDP: gross domestic product and RMI: raw material input).


  • Anthropogenic material stock
Resource Circulation
  • Continue at least the trend of the years 2004 to 2018 - both for the net waste volume overall and for municipal waste excluding construction and demolition waste.
  • Various targets for selected waste streams (e.g., municipal waste, commercial waste, organic waste, packaging materials, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), etc.) exist (see also targets at EU level)..
Environmental Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency
  • The intention of the German Government is to continuously cut the environmental impact that occurs in connection with private household consumption in all three areas (energy, CO2-emissions, and raw materials use from a footprint perspective).
  • Various waste related ordinances with measures to reduce the environmental impact of waste management
Economic Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency
  • to decouple economic growth as far as possible from resource consumption and reduce the associated environmental burdens
  • Decoupling of waste generation from the economic output
  • The German government’s goal for the indicator Total raw material productivity is to continue the trend of the years 2000 to 2010 (annual increase of an average of 1.5 percent) until the year 2030.
  • to make the German economy more future-proof and competitive, thus promoting stable employment and social cohesion.