Resource Input

Existing, Planning

  1. Material resources for domestic use, DMC
  2. Resource efficiency (GDP in EUR/kilo DMC)
  3. Material resources for the economy, DMI
  4. Share bio-based resources, kilo/DMI
  5. Material resource footprint of the economy, RMI4 (Mt)
  6. Total sustainable renewable material resources (kilo/DMI) (Planning)
  7. Material resource footprint domestic use, RMC2 (Mt) (planning)
  • Government-wide Programme for a Circular Economy; Circular Economy Implementation Programme
Resource Use

Existing, Planning

  1. Share secondary materials, CMUR (kilo secondary/DMI, in %)
  2. Life span of products (planning)
  3. Value retention (planning)
  • Government-wide Programme for a Circular Economy; Circular Economy Implementation Programme
Resource Circulation / Disposal


  1. Dutch waste (Mt)
  2. Share recycled waste in processed waste (recycled waste/waste, in %)
  3. Waste recycled in the Netherlands (Mt)
  4. Incinerated waste in the Netherlands (Mt)
  5. Landfilled waste in the Netherlands (Mt)
  • National Waste Management Plan
Environmental Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency

Existing, Planning

  1. Greenhouse gas emission footprint of consumption (MtCO2 eq)
  2. Greenhouse gas emission footprint of production (MtCO2 eq)
  3. Emissions to air, water and soil, such as nitrogen and particulate matter (planning)
  4. Land-use footprint of consumption (million ha)
  5. Land-use footprint of production (million ha)
  6. Water abstraction (planning)
  7. Water footprint consumption (km3)
  8. Biodiversity footprint of consumption (million MSA loss ha/year) (planning)
  9. Biodiversity footprint of production (million MSA loss ha/year) (planning)
  10. Toxicity (planning)
  • Government-wide Programme for a Circular Economy; Circular Economy Implementation Programme
Social Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency


  1. Circular employment (no. of circular jobs in FTEs) (*1,000)
  • Government-wide Programme for a Circular Economy; Circular Economy Implementation Programme
Economic Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency

Existing, Planning

  1. Added value of circular activities (EUR billion)
  2. Share circular activities (added value circular / GDP in %)
  3. Share circular employment (no. of jobs/total no. of jobs in %)
  4. Supply risks (planning)
  • Government-wide Programme for a Circular Economy; Circular Economy Implementation Programme

Integral Circular Economy Report 2021 ( – see page 27 for table with indicators on material resource use and its impacts.

Resource Input
Existing, Planning
  1. Halve the use of primary abiotic raw materials by 2030
  • Government-wide Programme for a Circular Economy
Resource Use
  1. Planning on formulating specific targets for input, use (life span), substitution and recycling/reuse.
  • Expected end of 2022
Resource Circulation
  1. Fully circular economy by 2050
  • Government-wide Programme for a Circular Economy; Circular Economy Implementation Programme
Environmental Impact In The Context Of Circular Economy / Resource Efficiency
  1. Planning on formulating specific targets for CO2 eq emission reduction, biodiversity, pollution of the environment and supply risks.
  • Expected end of 2022

We’re expecting to publish the progress we’re making to formulate targets by the end of 2022.
