- Raw material consumption (sometimes referred to as ‘material footprint’) by material type (excluding fossil fuels) 2001-2018 (tonnes)
- Fibre composition of textiles sold by UK SCAP signatories (percentage of total)
- Resource productivity, gross value added (chained volume measure, 2018 money value (per tonne raw material consumption, excluding fossil fuels))
- Prioritise use of sustainable and low carbon materials in construction funded through WG Housing Capital
- Work to use more low carbon materials in the refurbishment of the social housing stock
- Work to use more low carbon materials in the construction of new schools
These documents are relevant to all sections of this response.
Resources and waste strategy for England
Plastic packaging tax – higher tax rate where products do not meet threshold requirement for recycled content.
Beyond recycling: Indicators, Welsh government (2021)
National Performance Framework, Scotland - Waste Generated
Making Things Last: a circular economy strategy for Scotland
Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 – update
Northern Ireland:
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Waste Prevention Programme 2019
- Resource productivity
- Total waste arisings by sector and on a per capita basis
- Food and drink waste
- Food and drink waste produced at the retail and consumer level
- Total food and drink waste produced (kg per capita)
- Total waste generation, split by source (million tonnes) and by material type (% of total)
- Waste intensity, waste produced (tonnes) per unit gross value added (chained volume measure, 2018 money value)
- Municipal waste recycling (or Local Authority Collected Waste recycling)
- Total hazardous waste arisings, (including by sector and per unit of GVA)
- Composition of ‘Waste from Households’
- Capture rates for ‘Waste from Households’ (% recycled by material)
- Avoidable residual waste from household sources (Proportion of residual waste)
- Final treatment of waste (percentage of tonnage by method)
- ‘Waste from Households’ recycled, composted or prepared for reuse (tonnes)
- ‘Waste from Households’ recycled, composted or prepared for reuse (percentage of total arisings)
- Local Authority Collected Waste recycled or composted (tonnes)
- Local Authority Collected Waste recycled or composted (percentage of total arisings)
- Non-hazardous construction and demolition waste recovered and placed on market (tonnes and percentage of total placed on market)
- Packaging waste recycled (tonnes and percentage of total placed on market)
- Waste landfilled or incinerated (excluding mineral wastes) (tonnes)
- Biodegradable municipal waste landfilled (tonnes)
- Exports of Refuse Derived Fuel and Solid Recovered Fuel (tonnes, and tonnes by country of destination)
- Waste fly tipped (Incidents, total, by region and by size of the tip)
- Household waste per capita Municipal waste sent to landfill (As a proportion of total municipal waste collected by local authorities)
- Municipal waste that is recycled (As a proportion of total municipal waste collected by local authorities)
- Plastic sent outside Wales – percentage of collected plastic waste that is not processed in Wales
- Food waste reduction
- Total amount of landfilled waste, (tonnes)
- Total amount of biodegradable landfilled waste, (tonnes)
- Total amount of biodegradable landfilled waste, (tonnes)
- Household and non-household food waste reduced, (tonnes)
- Total waste generated (tonnes)
- Percentage of household waste sent for recycling (including composting and preparing for reuse)
- Percentage of household waste sent to landfill
- Percentage of waste sent for recycling (including composting and preparing for reuse)
- Percentage of waste landfilled
- Reported biodegradable waste sent to landfill
- Annual household waste collected per household
- Waste arisings
- Capture rates by primary waste category
- Waste arisings growth rate
- Annual household waste collected per capita
Northern Ireland:
- Commercial and industrial waste recycled
- Food waste landfilled
- Carbon metric to estimate carbon emissions from waste management, including on a life cycle basis to compare emissions associated with raw materials and with secondary (recycled) materials.
- Territorial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the waste management sector (million tonnes CO2 equivalent)
- Carbon footprint on a consumption basis (million tonnes CO2 equivalent)
- Carbon footprint associated with household consumption (split by product group)
- Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions on a consumption basis (kilogrammes CO2 equivalent per £ unit gross value added (chained volume measure, 2018 pounds))
- Water footprint per tonne of garments sold by UK Sustainable Clothing Action Plan signatories (the UK’s voluntary agreement on reducing the impact of clothing and textiles) (cubic metres per tonne)
- Net zero carbon public sector
- Carbon saving per capita from recycling – Carbon Index
- Modernising the waste fleet with ultra-low emissions vehicles (ULEV’s):
- Percentage of RRV (single-pass resource recovery vehicles)
- Percentage of RCV (conventional refuse collection vehicles)
- Percentage of light commercial vehicles
- greenhouse gas emissions statistics provide the highest level measure of progress at an economywide and sectoral level
- a suite of policy outcome indicators measure the success of policies in achieving the changes that are needed
- a policy tracker monitoring implementation of specific policies and proposals
The Monitoring Framework for the Climate Change Plan for sectors is structured on three levels:
- Carbon footprint of a basket of consumer goods
The Welsh Government is working to develop an indicator similar to the Scottish Waste Carbon Metric that will allow to focus on the materials which have the highest associated carbon footprint, and therefore whose reduction or recycling will make a significant difference in carbon emissions.The Welsh Government is also developing three indicators to prioritise the use of sustainable and low carbon materials in construction under the Innovative Housing Programme, use more low carbon materials in the refurbishment of the social housing stock and use more low carbon materials in the construction of new schools.
- Percentage of places at or above an acceptable standard for litter
- Percentage of people perceiving litter as a problem in their area
- Percentage of households in fuel poverty
- The numbers of enterprises, employment levels and gross value added (GVA) in the repair, reuse and leasing sectors
- Costs to local authorities of street cleaning per household Wales:
- Procurement – percentage of public sector spend that is spent in Wales
- Welsh Government Collections Blueprint
- Sustainable businesses - increase the number of businesses adopting sustainable policies
- The numbers of enterprises, employment levels and gross value added (GVA) in the repair, reuse and leasing sectors
- Active illegal waste sites and high risk active illegal waste sites (number)
- Illegal waste activity stopped (number of sites)
- Fly tipping enforcement (Number of enforcement actions)
- Eco-schools – percentage of primary and secondary schools that sign up
- Items repaired by repair cafes